Monday, March 1, 2010


In the beginning of this project, I proposed the question "Are there other ways an ambigram can be viewed?", and I think that has been the main question throughout my project; however, I still tried to incorporate some other questions from the list and just some other questions that came up throughout the process. For example, I did some exploration with palindromes and how that could be effective. The outcome however, was not exactly much of an impact and I wanted something a little more effective. By effective, I mean in terms of what it could be used for and how can it help or become interactive. One of the questions that derived from group critique is "How can this be applied?"

Since the moment this question came up, I would have to say that it has been my prime question to try and answer. When dealing with this question, I tried to utilize the ambigrams I had already created, but in the end, still had to create some new ones. (Hi and Bye | Turn) While exploring my "hi" ambigram on the studio floor by the door one weekend, I thought it might be interesting if it said bye on the way out and hi on the way in. Instantly, that sparked my interest and I began working. This ambigram was different though. How was I suppose to use two letterforms (hi) appear to be three (bye). Along with that problem, I was fighting the task of trying to make the strokes and letterforms appear the same. I wanted consistency in stroke and form, therefore they wouldn't seem as if they were two different random forms. I think the outcome of "hi" and "bye" was pretty successful...I guess I will have to wait and see what the viewers think! I placed it onto a door mat.

I think the "turn" is the most successful of the two. I've become extremely intrigued with letter forms that use the previous letter as a "crutch" so to speak or a helper with their own letterform. So in "turn", the "r" uses the "u" to create itself. I have found myself doing such things within my own writing! I like it when they are forming together, but not sure if my handwriting is getting complicated now haha. In the process of creating these ambigrams, they took a great amount of thinking. I would start letter by letter and try to make them look like two different ones essentially. This became really, a test of legibility and how far can I push the limits of each letterform.

Altogether, I tried numerous routes of the many possible ways of creating ambigrams. I can remember at the start of this project, and I had no clue how to even begin with one. Now, I think about things such as the following:
1. How do I want this to be viewed by the user?
2. Is there a specific use for the ambigram?
3. Which is the most effective way for creating this ambigram?
4. Which form is this going to take?

I've learned a lot through this exploration of type. I've learned how to start the creation of an ambigram. I've learned that consistency in stroke is key, ambigram or not! I've learned the effectiveness that ambigrams can have and the flexible nature of them. They have many qualities that become great visuals for viewers, which in turn, make them effective! However, on that same note, if the ambigram is not readable, the impact is lost. I've learned about the importance of application, and how can I start designing in that sense of how can this be more helpful rather than just something pretty for someone to look at. Or maybe if it is pretty to look at, how can I make this more enjoyable for the user and hold their attention a little longer by helping them see multiple messages within one form.

These were some of the books that helped me brainstorm and think about exploring more type options.

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