Wednesday, March 3, 2010

UserExperience: Some logo inspiration

With the above two logos, I really appealed to the masculinity of them and the the unique personality each one had. To me, they both reflected a stable and firmness that I would like to incorporate within my brand. They also have an interesting form of containment. That might be something I will have to look into to see if I can find a simple solution. According to the demographic of my target market, these are very unique and stylistic which is something they look for within a product.

Here are some possible color palettes based upon those above logos. I know through my research, many comparable designs contained black, brown, green, and white.

I really enjoyed the free flow of this logotype and the slight reference it has toward hair (to me) I think it reflects personality a great deal and it was something that captured my eye as a possibility for my brand. My target market likes things that are different and have personality, so I think this is a great example of that.

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