Thursday, October 15, 2009

Giving it another try.

Alright, below are some pushes of integrating the image making onto the actual cover. Successful?....I'm not sure what to think of it. It's growing on me. Anyway, there are a couple different treatments, as well as copy throughout these 9 covers.

I have to say, I really had a lot of fun shooting these the photos for these. Like you said Jamie, I am the art director (but also the designer), and getting the shots I wanted was not as easy as I thought. Some of the ideas I had in mind did not come out visually pleasing, so I decided to not move forward with them. They also were too close or too far to where, it didn't make sense to leave that much space...or move that closely if I couldn't even get much of the browser in the picture. (Whether I need to show the browser active...I don't know.) Some of the ones below may look like the same composition...and they are...just with minor camera angle and perspective tweaks.

These are some of the "Life" objects I brought to shoot and go along with the computer.
(gloves, checkbook, list, tape measure, yogurt, jar of change, bulldog clip, playing cards, bolt/paperweight, dry erase markers) After shooting a couple of the items for 2 hours, I began to think that some of these items did not have value, so I did not go through shooting a couple of them.

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